Read what this Past President of the American Medical Association has to say about drinking fluoridated water ...
"I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable." - Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.
Here are "10 Facts about Fluoride" that you should know:
1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water.
2) Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay).
3) Contrary to previous belief, fluoride has minimal benefit when swallowed.
4) Fluoridated water is no longer recommended for babies.
5) There are better ways of delivering fluoride than adding it to water.
6) Ingestion of fluoride has little benefit, but many risks.
      a) Risk to the brain.
      b) Risk to the thyroid gland.
      c) Risk to bones.
      d) Risk for bone cancer.
      e) Risk to kidney patients.
7) The industrial chemicals used to fluoridate water may present unique health risks not found with naturally-occurring fluoride complexes.
8) Water fluoridation’s benefits to teeth have been exaggerated.
      a) No difference exists in tooth decay between fluoridated & unfluoridated countries.
      b) Cavities do not increase when fluoridation stops.
      c) Fluoridation does not prevent oral health crises in low-income areas.
9) Fluoridation poses added burden and risk to low-income communities.
      a) Low-income families are least able to avoid fluoridated water.
      b) Low-income families at greater risk of fluoride toxicity.
10) Due to other sources, many people are being over-exposed to fluoride.
This is just a brief summary. Click here to get more details.
Here's another reference.