Monday, August 16, 2010

Is Your Body Toxic?

A toxic body can lead to disease. But how do you know if your body is toxic? And if it is toxic, what can you do about it?

Here's a questionnaire that you can fill out in the comfort of your home to determine if you are toxic.

Once you find out what your level of toxicity is, you can choose a detox program to suit your needs.

Click the link below to find out about a simple program that you can easily incorporate into your daily life.

new start, perfect cleanse, cleanse

If you have health issues, you may prefer, instead, to take advantage of a doctor supervised cleansing program. The Purification Program cleans deep down to the cellular level. It nourishes and supports all your body functions, while giving you all the important nutrition your body needs. With this program, you will receive daily e-mail support and have access to telephone support if necessary. Click here to find out more.

No one cleansing program is right for everyone. It's all a matter of finding the program that meets your personal needs best. If you're not sure what you need, click here to get a free 15 minute consultaton to duscuss your personal needs with Dr. Farlow.