I'm not an M.D. so I can't tell her what to do when it comes to prescription drugs. But I can help her with nutrition - diet, supplements and detoxing - to bring her body chemistry back to normal. In fact she has told me numerous times that when she does the detox I prescribe for her and when she eats properly, she feels really good and her blood pressure and blood sugar are normal without her prescription drugs.
So, what's the problem here?
She, like millions or Americans, is tied into what her insurance will pay for. And they pay for medical care and prescription drugs, not nutritional counseling and supplements.
I feel helpless to help her because the choice is hers as to whether she chooses conventional medical care or alternative health care. It's not in my license to tell her to stop the drugs because they're going to kill her. We've talked about it and I've informed her of her choices, but ultimately it's up to her.
Prescription drugs properly prescribed and taken kill over 100,000 every year. That's a really poor track record and nobody is doing anything about it. In fact, you don't even hear about it ... unless you search for the information. And that's the way the drug companies want it!
Read the article.
Are you going to be a statistic? I hope not.
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