"There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle."
Read the article.
With cancer being the number two killer in the industrialized world, second only to heart disease, it should be reassuring that this is something that you have control over. You don't have to be a victim to cancer or any of these other lifestyle diseases. By making the appropriate changes to your eating habits, exercise and the products you use in your home and on your body, you do have control over your health and you can prevent these diseases.
I'm sure you've heard stories of people told they only had months to live, and ten years later they're still going strong because they made healthy lifestyle choices to turn their health around.
Here are some resources to help you make healthier eating and lifestyle choices so you can live a healthier and longer life:
Healthy Eating Tips
Food Additives Tips
Healthy Eating e-class
Healthy Eating book
Healthy Eating Coaching and Nutritional Counseling
Dying To Look Good Newsletter
10 Worst Chemicals Special Report
How To Choose The Safest And Healthiest Cosmetics And Personal Care Products
Real Secret To Losing Weight Special Report
Since cancer takes years to develop before it's detectable, it is wise to make healthy changes to your eating habits and your lifestyle while you feel healthy. Even if you're health is not optimal and you're suffering various ailments, it's still not too late to make positive changes to support a healthy body and a longer, healthier life.