The health of your body depends upon the health of your intestinal tract. If you eat or have eaten a processed food or fast food diet, taken antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, anti-inflammatories or any other drugs, your digestive tract is most likely less than healthy. How unhealthy depends on how much and how long the abuse has taken place.
You can improve the health of your gut and the health of your whole body. It's a matter of removing the damaging elements - foods and drugs - and consuming nourishing and healing foods and nutritional support.
For years, I have stated that cancer, along with heart disease, diabetes and obesity, are lifestyle diseases. Now there is research out of England that concludes ...
"There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle."
With cancer being the number two killer in the industrialized world, second only to heart disease, it should be reassuring that this is something that you have control over. You don't have to be a victim to cancer or any of these other lifestyle diseases. By making the appropriate changes to your eating habits, exercise and the products you use in your home and on your body, you do have control over your health and you can prevent these diseases.
I'm sure you've heard stories of people told they only had months to live, and ten years later they're still going strong because they made healthy lifestyle choices to turn their health around.
Here are some resources to help you make healthier eating and lifestyle choices so you can live a healthier and longer life:
Since cancer takes years to develop before it's detectable, it is wise to make healthy changes to your eating habits and your lifestyle while you feel healthy. Even if you're health is not optimal and you're suffering various ailments, it's still not too late to make positive changes to support a healthy body and a longer, healthier life.
I've known for a long time that so-called scientific research is flawed and doesn't necessarily tell you the truth, even double blind and peer reviewed studies.
What is my basis for this bold, almost unbelievable claim?
When I look at who funds the studies and the results, in many cases it's obvious to me that the study was biased or not properly designed. You see, I have a master's degree in Statistics and worked as a research statistician for eight years in the area of sample design before I decided to become a chiropractor.
In addition, there was a book that was required reading in my statistics program, and it is still available on and many of the booksellers online, "How To Lie With Statistics." Now the intention of this book was not to teach us how to be deceptive in our research, but to point out what can go wrong when researchers, knowingly or unknowingly, manipulate or bias the data.
Now, you don't have to take my word for it. This is just my observation and I can't prove it.
Dr. John Ioannidi has. A medical researcher with outstanding expertise and credentials, Dr. Ioannidi has proven through "a detailed mathematical proof that (assuming modest levels of researcher bias, typically imperfect research techniques, and the tendency to focus on exciting rather than plausible theories) researchers will come up with wrong findings most of the time."
So, a word to the wise ... be careful if you make your health and nutrition decisions based upon so-called "scientific" studies.
I have always based my recommendations upon clinical results with a proven track record. While the medical establishment has poo-poo'd this method, Dr. Ioannidi's results don't support their faith in so-called "scientific studies."
We live in a toxic world. We come in contact with cancer-causing chemicals every day. Some we can't avoid. They're just part of life and living in our polluted world. However, there are many that we can avoid, but you're not getting this information from the organizations that are supposed to be educating you about how to prevent breast cancer and other forms of cancer.
Read this article to find out more and to see the list of over 200 chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer.
By being conscious of avoiding as many harmful and cancer-causing chemicals as you can, you reduce your exposure to dangerous chemicals and lower your risk for being a cancer statistic.
However, before you can avoid these hazardous ingredients, you have to know what they are. I have listed some resources below to help you protect yourself from many of the unsafe chemicals you may come in contact with many times a day.
Click here to find out about how to avoid cancer-causing chemicals in your food and here to learn how to keep the cancer-causing chemicals out of your cosmetics and personal care products.
Here's a special offer to help you get the harmful chemicals out of your life and to start eating healthy foods that will support your body in health and wellness.
The recent news about beetle parts being found in Similac Infant Formula brought to light the dangers of contamination of not only processed infant formula, but all processed foods. But that's not the worst part. If you examine the label and look at the ingredients listed on this infant formula, you will find that you are feeding your baby a product that is over 50% refined sugar and contains genetically engineered soy... not the ingredients for raising a healthy baby.
All in all, the healthiest food for an infant is mother's milk, at least for the first year, or longer. When your baby starts eating solid food, make sure you are giving your child truly healthy food. For help feeding kids healthy foods and having them love to eat healthy food, click here.
You're not going to find the answer from the American Cancer Society or any of the other of the mainstream organizations funded by the pharmaceutical industry. They say they're close to a cure for cancer. All you have to do is send them more money so they can continue their research.
What they don't tell you is that there are real ways NOW to prevent cancer and to overcome cancer - naturally.
A toxic body can lead to disease. But how do you know if your body is toxic? And if it is toxic, what can you do about it?
Here's a questionnaire that you can fill out in the comfort of your home to determine if you are toxic.
Once you find out what your level of toxicity is, you can choose a detox program to suit your needs.
Click the link below to find out about a simple program that you can easily incorporate into your daily life.
If you have health issues, you may prefer, instead, to take advantage of a doctor supervised cleansing program. The Purification Program cleans deep down to the cellular level. It nourishes and supports all your body functions, while giving you all the important nutrition your body needs. With this program, you will receive daily e-mail support and have access to telephone support if necessary. Click here to find out more.
No one cleansing program is right for everyone. It's all a matter of finding the program that meets your personal needs best. If you're not sure what you need, click here to get a free 15 minute consultaton to duscuss your personal needs with Dr. Farlow.
Walnuts have previously been shown to improve heart health in healthy adults. Now, new research has found that eating walnuts daily improves the heart health of those with type 2 diabetes.
Did you know that high blood pressure is related to the amount of sugary drinks you consume?
A recent study showed that blood pressure dropped when consumption of sugar sweetened drinks was reduced. There was no relationship with blood pressure and artificially sweetened beverages.
My dog had a recent bout with diarrhea, in spite of the best grain-free, raw diet. Not wanting to take him to a vet, I did my due diligence and checked my trusty Dr. Pitcairn's Guide To Natural Health for Dogs and Cats - I have a really old edition - but it delivered.
I gave him 1 teaspoon roasted carob powder mixed with about a teaspoon of filtered water and a few drops of raw tupelo honey,
3 times a day for 3 days.
It worked!
Best of all, my dog loved it! He licked the spoon and ate it right out of the cup, like it was a real treat.
This book has been a very valuable addition to my family health library. I highly recommend it.
Click the link below to get the latest edition. Your dog will thank you.
"If the truth about statins were openly known, the drugs wouldn't be prescribed to anyone, and drug companies would be sued for billions of dollars for their false advertising and marketing manipulations."
Before you get another mammogram, you should know that scientific research indicates that the radiation from mammograms causes breast cancer. This has been known for some time and yet the medical community continues to recommend mammograms.
A new study not only confirms that mammograms do cause breast cancer, but also how they cause it. Read the article.
A safer alternative to mammograms is thermography. Read about it here.
If you are, you may be adversely affected by the toxic effects of fluoride.
Read what this Past President of the American Medical Association has to say about drinking fluoridated water ...
"I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable." - Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.
1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water. 2) Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay). 3) Contrary to previous belief, fluoride has minimal benefit when swallowed. 4) Fluoridated water is no longer recommended for babies. 5) There are better ways of delivering fluoride than adding it to water. 6) Ingestion of fluoride has little benefit, but many risks.       a) Risk to the brain.       b) Risk to the thyroid gland.       c) Risk to bones.       d) Risk for bone cancer.       e) Risk to kidney patients. 7) The industrial chemicals used to fluoridate water may present unique health risks not found with naturally-occurring fluoride complexes. 8) Water fluoridation’s benefits to teeth have been exaggerated.       a) No difference exists in tooth decay between fluoridated & unfluoridated countries.       b) Cavities do not increase when fluoridation stops.       c) Fluoridation does not prevent oral health crises in low-income areas. 9) Fluoridation poses added burden and risk to low-income communities.       a) Low-income families are least able to avoid fluoridated water.       b) Low-income families at greater risk of fluoride toxicity. 10) Due to other sources, many people are being over-exposed to fluoride.
This is just a brief summary. Click here to get more details.
I have a patient whose medical doctor put her on blood pressure medication, even though her blood pressure is not too high and when she eats right, it's in the normal range. Her medication makes her blood pressure slightly low and it makes her dizzy. She's been in and out of ER several times a week over the last couple weeks. They've done lots of tests, but have not found anything wrong. And her doctor refuses to take her off the blood pressure meds.
I'm not an M.D. so I can't tell her what to do when it comes to prescription drugs. But I can help her with nutrition - diet, supplements and detoxing - to bring her body chemistry back to normal. In fact she has told me numerous times that when she does the detox I prescribe for her and when she eats properly, she feels really good and her blood pressure and blood sugar are normal without her prescription drugs.
So, what's the problem here?
She, like millions or Americans, is tied into what her insurance will pay for. And they pay for medical care and prescription drugs, not nutritional counseling and supplements.
I feel helpless to help her because the choice is hers as to whether she chooses conventional medical care or alternative health care. It's not in my license to tell her to stop the drugs because they're going to kill her. We've talked about it and I've informed her of her choices, but ultimately it's up to her.
Prescription drugs properly prescribed and taken kill over 100,000 every year. That's a really poor track record and nobody is doing anything about it. In fact, you don't even hear about it ... unless you search for the information. And that's the way the drug companies want it!
It's so common to see kids with ipods plugged in their ears and fingers glued to their cell phones texting. I resisted until I finally lost the battle. My 15 year old daughter earned the money to buy her own ipod at the end of last year - she's had mp3s for several years prior - and she finally convinced me to allow her to get a cell phone (which she pays for) for texting only, within the last couple months.
What happened to kids playing outside in the fresh air and sunshine, getting exercise and soaking up the vitamin D?
As a health care professional and a parent, I've always been concerned about the health effects of all these electronic gadgets on kids - TV, game boys, computers, mp3s, ipods, cell phones!
Well, I got a first hand experience of seeing what electronic overload is doing to my daughter, which is resulting in limiting her time on these devices.
It used to be that whenever I bought any food I didn't want her getting into, I would find places to hide it in the refrigerator, freezer, pantry, or where ever I thought she wouldn't find it, depending on how badly I wanted to keep her away from it until I was ready to prepare and serve it. There was no hiding place good enough to keep it from her. She found everything.
However, lately there have been foods in the refrigerator or pantry that I bought for her and she never ate because she didn't know they were there. The straw that broke the camel's back, though, was one day this week, I asked her why she didn't have eggs for breakfast. She said we didn't have any. They were right on the shelf where I always keep them!
The nervous system can only take in a certain amount of information at a time. When more information is being directed at us than we can take in, some of it gets filtered out. With all this electronic noise being bombarded at my daughter's nervous system she was not even able to do simple tasks like find food in the refrigerator. Her grades were also down a little on her last progress report, and she got a bad grade on her last geometry test. So now I have my ammunition to limit her use of these devices.
Now, my daughter is not the exception. And I see other kids who are even more tied into electronics than she is.
My concern is that we have a generation of kids, and even adults who have caught the electronic bug, that will be suffering adverse health effects of electronic addiction. We don't even know what all the adverse effects may be. Just like genetically engineered food that has invaded our grocery stores, or the nano particles that have invaded most of the goods on the market today, we are experimenting with things where we don't know all the possible outcomes, some of which could be deadly!
A question I read just the other day seems appropriate here: Will we be the first generation to outlive our kids? A scary thought to say the least.
In our society today, every single person alive has toxins stored in their body tissues. Numerous studies have shown that even those who are very health conscious have these toxic substances lurking in their bodies.
How is this possible?
We live in a toxic world. Our bodies accumulate these toxins, which are stored in our body fat, from
* the food we eat * the body care, skin care and cosmetic products we use * household products we use for cleaning and yard care * pollution in the air we breathe * out gassing of chemicals from our home, car, office etc.
If we allow these toxic chemicals to remain in our bodies, our health will suffer. The effects of these poisons residing in our systems can be anything from allergies and skin rashes to serious diseases.
If your level of health and wellness is anything less than vibrant aliveness and optimal energy, you're probably providing a home to these toxins inside your body.
Genetically engineered food is not only unsafe for consumers, but workers in the biotech industry as well. It appears that industry profit takes precedence over workers health and safety, and there is nothing that can legally be done to protect the worker.
More and more vaccines are being pushed on the American public every year. Although the medical profession denies it, there are adverse reactions associated with the excess amount of vaccines pushed on our children and adults as well when it comes to the seasonal flu, in its various varieties.
Eating healthy food will help improve your health and immunity to the flu and other infections. Find out how you can help yourself to a healthier body and a stronger immune system through healthy eating.
If so, you've probably tried just about every diet that exists and still you're frustrated because any weight you've managed to lose, you've already gained it back, and then some!
Get healthy eating tips, ask questions, interact with others, share your own healthy eating gold nuggets and recipes on the Healthy Eating Advisor Fan page.
Become a fan of Healthy Eating Advisor on Facebook here.
Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. An unhealthy lifestyle caused it and a healthy lifestyle can reverse it. You can become diabetes free if you know the right steps to take.
Here is a 6 hour program that you can do in the comfort of your own home that will help you become diabetes free.
Be proactive. Start taking definitive action to cure your diabetes today.
"It's clear that we are in the midst of a diabetes epidemic. Nearly 20 million people in the US have type 2 diabetes and another 45 million have pre-diabetes. More than 50% are not even aware that they have this disease that can rob them of some of the most enjoyable years of their life.
"So how You Can "Cure" Type 2 Diabetes Inexpensively? Start by watching this film."
Be proactive. Start yourself on the road to becoming diabetes free today.
Dr. Christine H. Farlow is "The Ingredients Investigator." She is a Doctor of Chiropractic who has helped thousands improve their health through nutrition and the elimination of harmful ingredients from food, cosmetics and personal care products.
She's a veteran at helping people solve their health challenges naturally, without the use of drugs.
The study of nutrition has been a passion for Dr. Farlow since 1975. Before becoming a doctor, people were coming to her unsolicited, asking for nutritional advice. She’s been counseling patients professionally since 1984 and researching ingredients in foods, cosmetics and personal care products since 1991.
Dr. Farlow is the author of three health and nutrition books:
FOOD ADDITIVES: A Shopper's Guide...
HEALTHY EATING: For Extremely Busy People...
Her books evolved out of her experience counseling patients back to health and wellness.